
Restless Mobility

Restless Mobility

About the Project

Restless Mobility, an Artist's Project for Art Journal, explores the publication as a roving public site, which moves through the city, speaks from street corners, and infiltrates our most intimate geographies. Photographic fragments and double page spreads of images are embedded throughout the publication architecture, appearing on the inside front and back covers, surfacing between articles, and disguised as advertisements.  The images and their performances question the priorities driving urban policy, the increasing crisis of affordable housing in cities, and the colliding notions of privacy and state surveillance; while quietly infiltrating the intimate interiors of the publication subscribers.


"Restless Mobility" Art Journal 60, no. 1, 2001: 4–97, Executive Editor: Janet A. Kaplan

publication history

Related Publication:
Restless Mobility, 2001 | PDF↓

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